Get a lawyer before you need one.

You don’t really think about developing a relationship with an attorney until the moment you need one. The truth is that an attorney is like an insurance policy. You don’t understand why you have one until you need one.

When a moment of need arises, there’s usually not a lot of time in which to adequately meet and interview the lawyer that best suits your needs. There are plenty of attorneys out there, but you may not know how to find them, how to review their credentials, and how to determine if that attorney will be a good fit for you and your issues. A gifted tax attorney may have no ability to negotiate a criminal matter. A lawyer who might be brilliant at handling immigration issues will most likely know nothing about bankruptcy. That’s why having an already existing relationship with an attorney you trust is so important.

It’s crucial to have a connection with a lawyer you trust before you need one. That way, when the need arises, you already have a trusted advisor. With any luck, your attorney will be able to handle whatever your particular problem is at that time. And when your attorney is not well suited to address the particular legal issues involved, a good attorney will have a network of reliable colleagues to whom they can refer you. That way you won’t waste precious time and money and can handle the situation as quickly and easily as possible.

If you have a trusted lawyer already, you’re ahead of the game. But if you don’t, how do you get one? First, a referral from someone you trust is valuable. Just like a contractor or a babysitter, if your friend has a good amount common sense, you can borrow it for yourself and trust their judgment.

Some people keep an attorney on retainer, paying a flat monthly fee for access to representation. This can make economic sense for people whose business and/or personal lives demand that level of involvement from a legal professional. Others believe they only need a lawyer during specific times of crisis.

The bottom line is that the best time to create a relationship with a lawyer is long before you need one. Don’t wait until the last minute. Whether it’s estate planning, business law, contracts, or any other legal issue, you’ll be glad you planned ahead.